
«GrainLogistics 2024: grain and oilseed exports logistics»

International conference

25-26 April, 2024
Novorossiysk, Russia
We invite you to take part in IV “GrainLogistics 2024: grains and oilseeds export logistics” conference, which will take place on April 25-26, 2024 in Hilton Garden Inn Hotel, in Novorossiysk, on the Black Sea coast.

Last year conference was attended by more than 300 delegate what makes “GrainLogistics” one of the most prestigious and important events for all who connected with grains and oilseeds export in Russia. In new season, we will get back to the most actual logistics issues because transport infrastructure development and accessibility level is still a determining factor for Russia's export potential.

During the conference, we will discuss current situation on grain market and further prospects for agro export development. In particular, we will find out new rules and possibilities of Russian grain international trade; talk about export capacities development in Black, Azov, Caspian, Don and Volga region; discuss grain cargoes logistics issues within the sanctions conditions.

Particular attention will be given to issues of railway delivery to the ports of south of Russia. As it is known, Russian Railways have several problems on the most important export direction: acute shortage of locomotive traction, problems with a shortage of personnel, low throughput on the southern direction. At the same time, grain cargo transportation volume via the railway network increased by 1.9 times compared to 2022. It should be noted that a quarter of total grain volume (more than 8 million tons) last year was shipped only from three regions: Kursk, Saratov and Stavropol regions.

Also among the conference topics:

  • World grain market trends: possibilities and prospects;
  • 2023 harvest quality in Russia and access to foreign markets
  • Export potential and grain railway transportations;
  • Oilseeds market development prospects in Russia and world.

Special conference topic – Baltic export corridor possibilities. We will discuss new and old export routes possibilities and resource base of that direction.

Draft conference program

April 25, 2024
1st day. Conference

09.00–10.00 Participants registration. Morning tea, coffee. Meetings, acquaintances, negotiations.

10.00–11.30 Analytical Session
“Facts and figures”

Preview: Russian agricultural production is currently in the most difficult conditions for many years of its development. Exports are still breaking records, but global grain prices are falling, logistics and production resources in Russia are getting more expensive. Grain exports have already become "unaffordable" for regions far from ports, and are no longer the engine of growth. What predictions do leading Russian analysts give on the future agroexport prospects?

Session moderator: Olga Grab, senior analyst, “Moscow Exchange”.

  • Russian agricultural products export potential and key export directions.
  • Igor Pavenskii, head of analytical center, “Rusagrotrans”.
  • Grain quality in Russia. Exports to new and traditional markets predictions.
  • Maria Shostak, director of “Grain quality assessment center” Altai branch / tbc /.
  • Russian grain market: state and prospects.
  • Vitaliy Shamaev, grain market analyst, “Agrospeaker” company CEO.

11.30–12.00 Coffee Break

12.00–13.30 Logistics Session
“Niche cultures and vegetable oils export”

Preview: Russian agricultural exports in containers are primarily legumes, oilseeds and products of their processing. Their exports are growing rapidly, but at the same time, there are serious obstacles to further increasing shipments. Due to serious logistical limitations on the South and East, Houthi attacks, sanctions pressure, and other problems, container exports are unstable and expensive. In addition, problem of agricultural products shipping in containers and NOR containers to the South and Central America countries, Equatorial Africa has not been solved, and exports to India and the Persian Gulf countries are under threat. "What should we do?" we will ask the leaders of container logistics.

Модератор сессии: Содикова Сабина, генеральный директор российского представительства "Agrozan Commodities DMCC"

  • Current agricultural logistics solutions: new markets, new routes.
  • Kristina Arshieva, head of agro-industrial direction development, “FESCO”.
  • Legumes export logistics through the port of Novorossiysk in 2024 realities.
  • Victoria Lihtinova, export logistics director, “GALEAS”.
  • Vegetable oils export logistics in current conditions.
  • “Evropac” company presentation /tbc/.
Exporters will take part in the discussion with logistics operators:
  • Kamo Sandrosyan, CEO, “RusAgroTrade”;
  • Victoria Petrovskaya, CEO, “Agro Victoria”;
  • Ozan Ozturk, managing director, “Agrozan Commodities”;
  • Rustam Guliev, trader, “TOP GRAIN” /tbc/.

13.30-15.00 Lunch.

15.00-16.00 Infrastructure Session
“How to break through to the ports of South?”

Preview: Russian Railways has a number of problems in a particularly important export direction: acute shortage of locomotive traction, problems with a shortage of personnel, low throughput on the southern direction. At the same time, grain cargo transportation volume via the railway network increased by 1.9 times compared to 2022. How are the Head of State instructions to address these issues being solved and how does business see a way out of the "southern deadlock"?

North Caucasus Railway, Roszheldor, Rusagrotrans, OZK and others representatives are invited to discussion.

16.00-16.30 Coffee Break.

16.30–18.00 Discussion Session
“What prevents Russian exporters?”

Preview: Russian exports, with record harvests in recent years, have started to experience serious infrastructural limitations. Not only railway problems. This is the problem of access to deepwater terminal for independent exporters, the increase in tariffs for road and rail transportation, serious dependence on foreign shipowners. We will talk about all the problems facing Russian exporters with leading experts in the industry.

Moderator: Sabina Sodikova, CEO of "Agrozan Commodities DMCC" Russian representation.

Will join the discussion:
  • Dmitry Volobuev, deputy director, “Petrokhleb Kuban”.
  • Irina Sarycheva, technical governance and customer care manager, EEU, “SGS Vostok”.
  • Eugenia Ekalo, CEO, “Logistics Centre”.

19.00–23.00 Gala dinner at the Chateau Pinot Winery restaurant.

April 26, 2024
2nd day.


Participants Conferences


Place of holding

Hilton Garden Inn Novorossiysk

Hilton Garden Inn Novorossiysk is a new modern hotel with stunning views of Novorossiysk bay, located on the Black Sea coast, within walking distance from shops, major city attractions, beach and just 2km from Novorossiysk seaport.

Hotel offers a well-developed infrastructure, including indoor and outdoor pools, restaurants, a bar with a terrace located on the top floor, a wellness area with a fitness room and massage rooms, a space for events.

Hilton Garden Inn is conveniently located just in an hour's drive from two airports - Anapa International Airport and Gelendzhik Airport.


There is a special accommodation cost with a significant discount for conference participants. Please contact the Organizing Committee for details.


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